♡ 55 ( +1 | -1 ) Yes18.Qc2 instead of 18.Nd2 18...Bc5 forced (18...Rd8? 19.c5) 19.Bd3 Rd8 20.Nh4 and you see the thematic exploit of the weakness of the e4-f5 complex.
After the played 18.Nd2 Black gets time to set up his counterplay: 18...Rd8 19.Qc2?! Bh3 20.Bf3 f5 with complex play (21.Kh1 Bg4 22.Bxg4 fxg4). Anyway, this is better than 19.Bh5, that leads to a disavantadgeous liquidation.
20.Qf3 should be tried in place of 20.Nb3.
21.Nd6? 21.d6 was the last hope; even so, after 21...Nf6 22.c5 Bd7 23.Nc3 Ba7 24.g3 e4! Black has a nice attack.
Black has now a clear advantage.
25.Qd3? Moving the King to safety was needed.
27.Qd2?? loses badly, but even the only move 27.Qc2 leads, after 27...Nxd5, to a very unpleasant position for White.
♡ 13 ( +1 | -1 ) My friendsI`m seeing a horrible, well deserved defeat of Mèxico against U.S.A., so I`m not very concentrated, but what`s wrong with 15. 0-0?