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tulkos ♡ 59 ( +1 | -1 )
this is neat, on a game I played at uschesslive, I was able to mail the moves to myself with the time it took to make each move. the game is interesting to. take a look.

{minutes}:[seconds].(hundredths of seconds)

FranciscoG (1528) vs. aaronj (1555) --- Sun Mar 23, 18:47 EST 2003
Rated blitz match, initial time: 10 minutes, increment: 2 seconds.

Move FranciscoG aaronj
---- --------------------- ---------------------
1. e4 (0:00.000) e5 (0:00.000)
2. Nf3 (0:01.810) Nc6 (0:02.244)
3. Bc4 (0:03.900) d6 (0:13.269)
4. d3 (0:03.950) g6 (0:20.129)
5. Ng5 (0:05.000) Nh6 (0:07.511)
6. Qf3 (0:10.490) Qe7 (0:14.390)
7. a3 (0:03.790) Bg7 (0:01.522)
8. Nc3 (0:05.650) O-O (0:08.091)
9. Nd5 (0:06.980) Qd8 (0:05.918)
10. h3 (0:18.460) Nd4 (0:02.984)
11. Qd1 (0:11.430) c6 (0:04.507)
12. Nc3 (0:17.190) Be6 (0:18.937)
13. Nxe6 (0:07.960) fxe6 (0:03.234)
14. Be3 (0:08.560) Qf6 (0:25.697)
15. Qd2 (0:19.060) d5 (0:23.173)
16. exd5 (0:13.730) exd5 (0:04.987)
17. Ba2 (0:08.460) Nhf5 (0:35.772)
18. Bg5 (0:20.870) Qe6 (0:08.432)
19. Ne4 (0:22.080) h6 (0:33.819)
20. Be3 (0:42.460) Qf7 (0:35.732)
21. Bxd4 (1:08.000) Nxd4 (0:41.660)
22. c3 (0:25.210) Nf5 (0:33.879)
23. O-O (1:10.520) Kh7 (0:14.972)
24. Ng3 (0:47.240) Nxg3 (0:31.495)
25. fxg3 (0:04.500) Qc7 (0:05.708)
26. Qe3 (0:22.570) b6 (0:31.876)
27. Rf3 (0:58.660) Rae8 (0:07.951)
28. Raf1 (0:13.730) Rxf3 (0:01.782)
29. Rxf3 (0:38.070) e4 (0:02.713)
30. Rf1 (0:14.120) Qe5 (0:23.544)
31. d4 (0:05.930) Qd6 (0:20.830)
32. Bb1 (0:07.630) Rf8 (0:23.524)
33. Rxf8 (0:05.380) Qxf8 (0:03.955)
34. Bc2 (0:03.900) c5 (0:14.381)
35. dxc5 (0:05.870) Qxc5 (0:02.804)
36. Qxc5 (0:03.950) bxc5 (0:01.412)
37. Bd1 (0:03.680) d4 (0:07.731)
38. c4 (0:23.950) a5 (0:15.983)
39. b3 (0:02.420) Be5 (0:06.319)
40. Kf2 (0:04.940) g5 (0:10.425)
41. a4 (0:02.630) Kg6 (0:02.473)
42. Bg4 (0:04.610) h5 (0:11.136)
43. Be6 (0:04.450) h4 (0:07.301)
44. g4 (0:03.900) Bg3+ (0:09.213)
45. Ke2 (0:00.980) Kf6 (0:01.182)
46. Bd5 (0:02.030) Ke5 (0:00.942)
47. Bc6 (0:03.400) d3+ (0:08.953)
48. Kd2 (0:05.100) Bf4+ (0:02.183)
49. Ke1 (0:02.200) e3 (0:02.654)
50. Bf3 (0:03.960) Kd4 (0:05.948)
{White forfeits on time} 0-1

axedrez ♡ 12 ( +1 | -1 )
Wow, Tulkos! Most of your moves are sub-10 seconds except for Bxd4, which took one minute. Good playing!
lightning_rider ♡ 19 ( +1 | -1 )
Not fast enough I play Blitz and Ligtning at as well. I have a 2200+ Blitz rating and 1900+ Lightning rating.

Forget the subject of message! You play fast, but not supper fast.
zucan ♡ 92 ( +1 | -1 )
Nice... This has been a feature that I have requested from Mike on a couple different occasions... The idea being that when you look at somebody's game, you can see how much time they have consumed and how much time they have left without doing a whole lot of extra work... when you go back through games, you can see how blunders relate to time trouble, which is often the case... And finally, if you are looking for opponents who generally move quick and don't take their maximum time to move, you have their game history as a resource, as now the move times would be available.

Anyways, I know that time is an issue with Mike in prioritizing what gets done in what order, and I am sure disk space is the other, as the size of the games stored on disk would increase dramatically. It is a neat thought in any the case :-)
